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Here is a list of the top 5 Food Safety Mistakes involving raw meat and poultry seen in home kitchens. Help us spread awareness to debunk these myths!
Mistake #5:
Washing your chicken or turkey
Were you told to wash your poultry before cooking? If yes, STOP right now! Washing any raw meat, chicken or eggs can spread bacteria all over your kitchen sinks, countertops, cabinets. If not properly cleaned and sanitized, it can spread to ready to eat items like salads or fruits, which can make you sick.
Read a study done about Washing Poultry on the USDA’s website: Washing Raw Poultry: Our Science, Your Choice | USDA
Mistake #4:
Smelling or tasting food to see if it’s still good
When in doubt, throw it out! Unfortunately, bacteria doesn’t smell or taste like anything. Eating even a small amount can cause someone to get sick.
Learn more about food product dating- Food Product Dating | Food Safety and Inspection Service (usda.gov)
Mistake #3:
Putting raw meat and cooked meat on the same plate
Trying to save a plate? We understand. This is where cross- contamination can happen and when germs from raw meat can spread to cooked meat. Always use separate plates for raw and cooked meat.
Watch a Video about Cross- Contamination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm_X5LJmrbw&ab_channel=USDAFoodSafety
Mistake #2:
Thawing foods on the counter
Bacteria can multiply the longer it is out of temperature. Thawing should be done over a period of time in a refrigerator to ensure that it is properly controlled.
Safe Food Handling: Safe Food Handling | FDA
Mistake #1:
Not cooking meat, chicken, turkey, seafood, or eggs thoroughly
When foods are not cooked properly, bacteria are not removed properly. Use a food thermometer to ensure that you are cooking to the correct temperature.
Cooking Temperatures: Safe Minimum Internal Temperature Chart | Food Safety and Inspection Service (usda.gov)
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